On this page you will find everything you need to know about using credits on Meshcapade Me. You don’t know how much credits you currently have? Check out the credits overview on your Meshcapade Me profile here.

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please contact us.

Exchange Rate

Please find below the current cost per avatar created. This has been updated the last on February 21, 2024.

Avatars from Measurements: 100 credits

Avatars from Images: 100 credits

Avatars from Scans: 500 credits

Avatars from Videos: 500 credits


What are credits and what can I do with them?

With your credits, you can save avatars created from your photos and measurements to your vault.

How much does creating an avatar cost?

The cost to create an avatar varies depending on the method used. You can find our current exchange rate above under Exchange Rate. These credits are deducted from your account only when the avatar is successfully created and stored in your vault. If the avatar creation process fails, you won't be charged.

Can I use my credits for the Meshcapade Me API?

Yes! Whatever credits you've purchased on the platform are part of the same pool and can be used for both the platform and the API.Want to learn more about processing through our API? See our documentation here.

Can I purchase credits?

Yes, you can! We offer packs of 500 credits for 5 euros. You can purchase credits through the "Purchase credits" button here or under your credit balance on your Meshcapade Me profile. If you're interested in bulk processing through our API, please contact us.

Can I use avatars created with credits for commercial use?

Definitely! You can use avatars created with your credits for commercial purposes, provided that the use adheres to our terms of service.