
With the latest update, we now support Optitex Export Compatibility.

Animation Sequence

Optitex-compatible FBX files are 5 frames long, where in the case there is animation:

(If there is no animation, all 5 frames are the same static pose)

The SMPL model pose-corrective blendshapes are removed and replaced by two "combined" pose-corrective blendshapes, one for frame 4 and another 5. These blendshapes are then keyframed to 1 on their corresponding frames, keyframed as 0 otherwise. This results in the two blendshapes being toggled between the last two frames.

Collider Objects

Simple, convex collider mesh objects are generated to “wrap” the hands, feet, and ears, and are attached to the armature. These collider mesh objects mitigate cloth simulation complications that may arise at these body features. A transparent material is applied to the collider objects as well.

How-To: Avatar from Measurements Optitex Export

To enable Optitex Export compatibility, first select “.fbx” as the Output file format, select “animation” as the Output composition, and then select the desired animation sequence:


Then, select “Optitex” as the Compatibility Mode:


You may input the rest of the parameters as normal, and once your avatar finishes generating you will have an Optitex compatible FBX avatar!