What is the Vault?

Avatars you generate live here. By clicking on your saved avatars, you can view them in our built-in 3D viewer. In our v1.2 release, we added the option to download avatars as OBJ files, which can be imported into other 3D modeling software. In v1.4, we will introduce the ability to view and adjust your avatar's dimensions directly in the Avatars from Measurements view.

How safe is my data?

Your data is handled securely, in full compliance with GDPR and in accordance with industry best practices. Our data is processed in Europe. All data handling processes are explained in detail in our Privacy Policy.

What do we share?

Your data is not shared with anyone outside of Meshcapade. Internally, we use your anonymized data to constantly improve our algorithms, train our machine learning models and provide better services!

How can I download an avatar?

  1. From the Vault overview, hover over the avatar you want to download.

  2. Select Download from the overflow menu.


  1. Select the parameters and pose you want to download.


  1. Select Download avatar to confirm.

What basic parameters can I choose?

Currently available

Coming soon

What poses can I choose?

Static poses

